Books edited or proofread for clients

Click to see my book editing and proofreading services

I thought having my work edited would be like a teacher with her stick telling me off for making mistakes! However I was pleasantly surprised when Andrea edited my "kick the therapy habit " short Ebook. Andrea kept the essence of me intact and got behind my message, making it easier for the reader to follow my train of thought. Her changes slowed down the pace and made it flow better. She is also skilled at placing emphasis on points I had skimmed over as well as relating the text back to the topic. For a scatterbrain like me who is bursting with ideas it really helped to have Andrea's professional eye scan and tie together the threads of my message.
Amberli Hartwell,

I appreciate your help! I always love working with you. 
Erin Casey, author, editor, book coach, ghostwriter

Terrific job... Andrea!  Bud Suse, author of Closing the Whales

"Having never used the services of a proofreader, I can tell you that I was amazed at the final result. My book was easier to read, flowed smoothly, and read like a New York Times bestseller after Andrea worked on the proofreading. I can tell you if you want your book to shine beyond your wildest imaginations, you need to drop what you are doing and hire Andrea now! I can not thank you enough!"

Tim Davis, Author, Speaker, and Business Consultant

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